Dynamic Programming


Forward Recursion

I saw a common pattern where thinking forwardly is easier to reason. For example, the House Robber problem:

from functools import cache

def rob(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
    n = len(nums)
    def dp(i: int) -> int:
        if i >= n: return 0
        return max(
            nums[i] + dp(i+2),  # rob the current house, skip the next one
            dp(i+1)             # skip the current house, rob the next one

    return dp(0)

The logic is simple: at the ith house, we either: (1) rob it and move to the next next house (i+2), or (2) we don’t rob and move to the next one. When we go over the nth house, we rob nothing (0) since there is no more house to rob.

This problem also has the similar approach:

from functools import cache

def maximumScore(self, nums: List[int], multipliers: List[int]) -> int:
    n, m = len(nums), len(multipliers)
    def dp(i, left):
        # inclusive [left, right] of nums
        if i >= m: return 0
        right = n - 1 - (i - left)
        return max(
            nums[left] * multipliers[i] + dp(i+1, left+1),
            nums[right] * multipliers[i] + dp(i+1, left)
    return dp(0, 0)

Backward Recursion

  • Or backtracking.
  • Noticeably, we need to define the base case.



1. Finding state variables

2. Defining the recusion relation

  • Simplify the basecase.

3. Finalizing the top-down approach

  • Using Python, if the recusion relation is found, then it is pretty much done with top-down approach (via cache in functools).

4. Selecting data structures for memorization

5. Finding the computation path

6. Finalizing the bottom-up approach

Other optimizations

Optimized Bottom-Up DP

Monotonic Stacks





Codeforces contains many insightful tutorials on DP:

Series from rembocoder is worth checking out: